Thursday, July 8, 2010

So... This isn't really a theory. But I've been called to serve in the Korea, Seoul Mission! Oh my head!! Yeah it's that exciting. I got mail from a famous person:) I'm kinda excited about that.

I also have something else to say. Everyone on Earth is endowed with a conscience, yes? It's what tells us the difference between right and wrong. It helps us all make decisions everyday. So I was wondering.... Why are there not laws against some things that are extremely inherently wrong?

Why is cheating on your spouse legal? It's inherently wrong, is it not? In ancient times people were stoned to death if they were caught in adultery. So, what has changed? Just a theory... but I don't think anything has. Besides the consequences of the situation, obviously. It's still inherently wrong but for some reason it's acceptable.

Abortion is another thing that I really don't understand. Why would anyone want to kill a fetus? Let me think of some of the arguments supporting abortion... Perhaps the new mother cannot provide for the child financially, physically, or emotionally. So give it up for adoption to someone who can provide! Problem solved. Perhaps the mother is afraid of the pain associated with giving birth. She should have thought about that earlier, but since she didn't she can get an epidural and feel almost nothing. Problem solved! Maybe the mother is separated from her partner and feels incapable of handling the responsibility. Again, adoption is an excellent solution! The only reason for abortion that seems plausible to me is if either the life of the fetus or the mother is seriously threatened. And even then I think all that can be done should be done to save either life. (I did study this BTW. Just in case someone wanted to be a hater.

Look at it this way. If you bought a puppy and loved it and played with it all the time you would be super happy! But eventually the novelty would ware off and it would be begging for food and to be walked and it would poop on your carpet and that sort of thing. Then you would realize the responsibility involved with raising a puppy and perhaps you would feel unready. If this was the case you would go out in the back yard and kill it! Unless you were a sick freak future serial killer or something (No offense to any serial killers that might read this). But honestly if you wouldn't do it to a puppy, why in the world would you do it to a helpless fetus!?

To say the least, I'm baffled... This won't change any laws. I hope something else does, however. So, the big idea really is: If an act is inherently wrong, it should be against the law... Just a theory.

1 comment:

  1. hey. i enjoy this post. and the previous post. but. i bet you still feel a lot of pain even if you get an epidural. i'm not justifying. i also see NO excuse for abortion. i'm just saying. and. hey. have i told you congratulations on your call yet? cause. congratulations :)
